I haven't been able to find my French ancestry, only Dutch...
Mike LaFleur
Ed Anderson <eanderson@carolina.rr.com> wrote:
Great history of French military history - but, too pro French for my taste {:>).
As a side note, I have been continuing my genealogy research into my "French" ancestors and I found my "French" ancestor actually came from a part of what is now France (since 1472) but, which was originally inhabited (and still is ) by a Celtic clan called the "Britons". This clan was at one time widespread
in "Britain" and western France. This is the district of "Brittany", In fact, some of the older folks there still speak a form of Gaelic very similar to that which had been spoken in Wales England. So there is a possibility that my "French" ancestry is "diluted".{:>)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] More on the French….. Off topic but very funny
More on the French…..
1- Go to www.google.com
2- Type in "french military victories", without the quotes
3- Instead of hitting
"Search" hit "I'm feeling Lucky" 4- Click on the "did you mean" line
5- Tell your friends before the people at Google fix it
Dave Leonard
Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY