What you need is one of these!
George ( down under)
> Does anyone know where the center line of the E-shaft on the Renesis is in
> relation to the oil pan bolts?
> The oil pan bolts are on 11 7/8 inch centers(measuring across the width of
> the engine). Is the center of the E-shaft centered on these bolts? Also
> what is the height of the center of the E-shaft above the oil pan/engine
> juncture?
> I am working to build my own engine mount and need these measurements to
> up the thrust line and offsets.
> I am using the plate from Conversion Concepts, but Fred's illness
> him from building the remainder of the mount in a timely manner.
> So, I am now on my own. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Bill Bradburry
> --
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