Mailing List Message #27111
From: Kelly Troyer <>
Subject: Re: NACA scoops
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 20:53:34 +0000
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
    Mockups are only in my mind at this time........I would like to see your Javafoil  info
as I think it would be helpful to exit cooling air at or near separation point if I am
correct in what I think I know (very little) about the subject !! I am on dialup , can I
get you to burn me a cd !! E-mail me privately with your address and I will send cost
and postage......
Kelly Troyer
Dyke Delta/13B/RD1C/EC2

-------------- Original message from Ernest Christley <>: --------------

> Kelly Troyer wrote:
> > Inlet lip will not protrude enough to use as step
> > if I follow NACA report 743 (subject to change if I need to modify lip
> > from 743 shapes).
> Kelly, I think that to get the most from this report, you'll need to use
> something like Javafoil to compare the transition and seperation points
> of the NACA 23017 (which was used in the report) against the Delta's.
> I've got those if you're interested. What I think is particulary
> interesting to see is comparing the configurations where the efficiency
> jumps off the charts to where the natural transition and seperation
> points occur on the wing sections.
> Thomas, I don't think there is anything in report 743 that would speak
> AGAINST the use of submerged inlets or streamlined ducts. It's more a
> study of where and how large to configure the openings. Some discussion
> is given to the size of the inlet radius, but that would also be
> instructive to radiusing the lip of a NACA duct.
> --
> ,|"|"|, |
> ----===<{{(oQo)}}>===---- Dyke Delta |
> o| d |o |
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