Mailing List Message #27109
From: Ernest Christley <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: NACA scoops
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 16:11:41 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Kelly Troyer wrote:

Inlet lip will not protrude enough to use as step
if I follow NACA report 743 (subject to change if I need to modify lip from 743 shapes).

Kelly, I think that to get the most from this report, you'll need to use something like Javafoil to compare the transition and seperation points of the NACA 23017 (which was used in the report) against the Delta's.  I've got those if you're interested.  What I think is particulary interesting to see is comparing the configurations where the efficiency jumps off the charts to where the natural transition and seperation points occur on the wing sections.

Thomas, I don't think there is anything in report 743 that would speak AGAINST the use of submerged inlets or streamlined ducts.  It's more a study of where and how large to configure the openings.  Some discussion is given to the size of the inlet radius, but that would also be instructive to radiusing the lip of a NACA duct.

        ,|"|"|,                                    |
----===<{{(oQo)}}>===----        Dyke Delta         |
       o|  d  |o  |
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