Mailing List Message #27107
From: Herb Sanders <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: NACA scoops
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:43:31 -0500
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>

No, I think you are remembering Chuck Halbert’s Velocity. I saw Greg’s Cozy yesterday up at Robert/Val EZ Jet hanger and it is going back together after a complete disassembly, repaint, 1200 wet and clear coat with a new “Kerosene Dreams” graphic – really looks super slick. It has a new panel with two Blue Mountain big screens, and a complete plush interior by a local custom car specialist.  Robert and Valerie are making good progress on three purpose built wide body LongEZ type airframes, rg, long noses, to take the GE T58 turbines. You will see some neat new ships coming out of their shop in the next few years.

Herb Sanders


-----Original Message-----
From: Rotary motors in aircraft [] On Behalf Of rijakits
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 12:55 PM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: NACA scoops




I don't see 743 incorporating any of the teachings of [Kuchemann & Weber and Kays & London], like streamline ducts.

Probably 743 was published way before the K&W and K&L literature went "online".

There should be a lot to gain, if you can morph both - question is, do you have the space for that?


Thomas J.


PS: Off Topic, but Canards get mentioned here a lot, so:

Just reviewed Greg Richters Cozy-Jet! That's one solution! Throw out the damn rotary, get the jet in there and be happy!

(Wasn't Greg the one who had to change his 3-rotor under "spousal pressure" for a Lycosaurus, due to repeated oil-cooler rupture?)


I can't get thrown out of this newsletter for plasphemy, can I? :))


Thomas J. :)

> Kelly Troyer wrote:
> > Thomas,
> > I am using report 743 to guide me with the installation of radiators
> > in the wing strakes of my Dyke Delta.....
> > --
> > Kelly Troyer
> > Dyke Delta/13B/RD1C/EC2

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