-----Original Message-----
From: Rotary motors in aircraft
[mailto:flyrotary@lancaironline.net] On
Behalf Of rijakits
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005
12:55 PM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: NACA
I don't see 743 incorporating any of the teachings of
[Kuchemann & Weber and Kays & London], like streamline ducts.
Probably 743 was published way before the K&W and
K&L literature went "online".
There should be a lot to gain, if you can morph both -
question is, do you have the space for that?
PS: Off Topic, but Canards get mentioned here a lot, so:
Just reviewed Greg Richters Cozy-Jet! That's one solution!
Throw out the damn rotary, get the jet in there and be happy!
(Wasn't Greg the one who had to change his 3-rotor under
"spousal pressure" for a Lycosaurus, due to repeated oil-cooler
I can't get thrown out of this newsletter for plasphemy, can
I? :))
> Kelly Troyer wrote:
> > Thomas,
> > I am using report 743 to guide me with the installation of radiators
> > in the wing strakes of my Dyke Delta.....
> > --
> > Kelly Troyer
> > Dyke Delta/13B/RD1C/EC2