Mailing List Message #27104
From: Ernest Christley <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: NACA scoops
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 14:54:43 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Kelly Troyer wrote:

    First are you using space left and right of the rear seat for baggage ?? My baggage will
be behind rear seat as my fuel tanks are saddle, left and right of longerons behind main
spar carry- through (26 gal each)..........

I'm going to build an aluminum fuel tank that sits on the top longerons.  A 4" thick 'pie slice' section will drop down through the center between the diagonals to help secure it in place.  I'm looking for a roto-molder that will coat the inside with cross-linked polyethylene to make it more robust.  My goal was to deviate as little as possible from the plans, but I now see how convenient that area would be for baggage, while being much better for CG.  I just have to add a hinge to the bottom of the passenger seat so that it folds down.  I don't like the restrictive opening for the plans baggage compartment anyway 8*)

You are right in that the outlet
duct will need to be curved to the outside of my fuel tanks and exit above retracted gear..
   I plan on gear doors (ala  Bernie S.) to eliminate gear well turbulence......You are right
in the outlet duct being somewhat convoluted !!

Have you made a mockup yet?  I'd really like to see a picture of what you have in mind.  I still have time to think about it, but not much more.  I finally finished painting the frame last night.

        ,|"|"|,                                    |
----===<{{(oQo)}}>===----        Dyke Delta         |
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