Kelly Troyer wrote:
I am using report 743 to guide me with the installation of radiators
in the wing strakes of my Dyke Delta.....
Kelly Troyer
Dyke Delta/13B/RD1C/EC2
Do you have any preliminary designs, Kelly. I gone so far as making a mockup of a duct from 1/4" foam taped together that would fit behind the wheel well. I think it can be made to work aerodynamically, possibly with the addition of an updraft scoop, but I had it pointed out to me that putting the radiator right behind the wheel puts it in grave danger of being taken out by a thrown pebble (there we go with all those compromises again 8*). Larry LaBeau says that he hasn't seen much along the lines of rock damage behind his main wheels, but it's still enough of a concern for me to consider a different design.
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