Mailing List Message #27087
From: Monty Roberts <>
Subject: flyrotary NACA scoops
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 09:31:03 -0500
To: <>

Every configuration has its own warts and problems. Nothing is perfect. I personally like Canards. They just don't have mythical status with me, nor do tractors, blended wing bodies, tandem wings, oblique wings or any other configuration. All of them have strengths and weaknesses.

I have plans for an E-racer, and for a while that is what I was going to build, with a rotary behind the wing and fixed main gear.Of course I would have to call it the M-racer to keep from having a George Graham style hate fest from the designer. But I really wanted something that could get in and out of shorter grass strips and Canard's just aren't very good at that. Otherwise they make great cross country airplanes. If I came across an almost finished project set up for an aircraft engine for good price I would probably still buy it.



Yeah; and the bluff front end of a tractor is bad . . . really bad; plus you have all the turbulence from the prop wash making higher drag over the fuselage.  Take your pick.


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