In a recent post you
mentioned that you were waiting for new firmware for the
What was that
My EC-2 is almost a couple years old, and
I know that I'll need a software update in order to work with the EM-2 (Eventual
Monitor- 2 <g>). Tracy also mentioned that there are some new
features in the latest software. One of them is the ability to load his
actual engine parameters as a default, rather than the normal factory
defaults. It sounds like there are some other features as well, but Tracy
hasn't exactly told me what they are.
I don't have the new firmware yet, and I'm
not pushing Tracy for it anymore. It seems he followed his "fly what we
sell" slogan, and put the chips in his plane to test them. As it turns
out, there was a small bug that caused some engine troubles. Fortunately,
plane and pilot made it down OK, and he's already fixed the bug it seems.
At any rate, I feel pretty bad about pushing him for the software, and hope that
I didn't rush him into making a mistake.