Mailing List Message #238
From: Haywire <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: EWP water pump
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 22:12:30 -0400
To: <flyrotary>

> <... as any variability in the water head pressure to the pump
> will skew the test
> results ...>
> Do you really think so?  I mean significantly?  I would intuit
> that your task is to
> pump some certain minimum volume of water through the system.
> Say you had a 5- or 10-
Yes, I do think it would account for errors in the test. Head pressures on
pumps are a big factor in sizing pumps & motors in industry.
Since Leon is currently installing one in a test car, I'm sure he will soon
be able to provide accurate test data on the performance of the pump. What I
hope to be able to provide is data under actual flight conditions. For this
you will have to wait until April....  maybe May.... no later than June.

S. Todd Bartrim
Turbo 13B rotary powered
RV-9endurance (FWF)

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