Where in LA is he? If he is in Kinder, LA, I am 3 hours away. I would
be willing to load up tools and take them out there to him.. power
tools, stand, etc.. and just come and get them when he is done..
Tracy Crook wrote:
everybody - this is Laura Crook. I am sure you've all heard that Ed
Anderson had another "event" - this time in LA while visiting family.
He actually has two issues - one is the his brakes caught on fire -not
rotary related
and the other is that he has an
internal coolant leak. So.... he has to remove and overhaul the engine
he is not near home he has no access to his documentation. He wrote to
me and asked me to post a notice to the list regarding the
overhaul notes that he developed and posted to his newsgroup a few
months ago. He thinks that a few people down loaded it and one may
even be in .pdf format.
REALLY needs somebody to email a copy of his overhaul notes to the
following email address:
IN ADVANCE for helping Ed!