On Tue, 07 Jun 2005 21:43:55 -0400 Ernest Christley
<echristley@nc.rr.com> writes:
> It is simply not true that we run around spouting theory without
> and testing the same.
You describe testing that has been done. That's great Ernest. Valuable. I
would be discouraged if you were saying:"We do that just fine...on to
other things". I can't emphasize enough the importance of finding ways to
convert theory to fact.
> I don't know. Replace stuff before it breaks? Replace all the soft
> parts every 5yrs? (You'll find me recommending this at some time in
> the
> not to distant past.)
No, I was referring to the analysis method that was used. Keith had a
theory to explain what he found. Totally logical. But he tested the
theory and found the nature of the failure disproved the theory.
-al wick
Artificial intelligence in cockpit, Cozy IV powered by stock Subaru 2.5
N9032U 200+ hours on engine/airframe from Portland, Oregon
Prop construct, Subaru install, Risk assessment, Glass panel design info: