Wow, This is the busiest this list has been in a long time, if ever. While we all knock ourselves out with these issues consider the following:
1) Less than 5% of all (GA) aircraft accidents are caused by failure of the engine block. Less for the rotary, but a fraction of a small percent is still a small percent.
2) Less than 30% of all accidents are caused by loss of engine power for any reason. Obviously more for any auto conversion or unique installation, but I would guess that increase is not exorbitant. This figure is mostly due to fuel starvation for one reason or another. In order of incidence: poor fuel planning, carb ice, vapor lock
3) That leaves more than 70% of all GA aircraft accidents due to: pilot loss of control or other pilot error, weather, aircraft structural failure, & other. These figures are not likely to change much regardless of engine selection or finding a solution to the CAS issue.
4) You can never have 100% safety in aircraft. Discussions like this are of course important. But of relatively low yield.