Mailing List Message #23219
From: Wendell Voto <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: EC2 problems - solved / rotary risks
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 19:11:17 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ernest Christley" <>
To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 3:38 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: EC2 problems - solved / rotary risks

> Wendell Voto wrote:
> >     I have previously suggested that the wiring from the firewall to
> >     the engine be heavily protected by  tubing or steel angle to
> >     prevent a breaking or broken belt from damaging the wires and
> >     stopping the engine.
> >
> >     I plan on running the CAS wires in al tubing and all other wires
> >     in some sort of conduit.
> >
> >     Wendell
> >
> I won't have a belt, but I still plan to run all the wires along and
> securely strapped to a motor mount support leg.  If I were running a
> belt, the only possibility of taking out the CAS would be at the wire's
> service loop at the top of the sensor.  But...
> I'd like to suggest that if the belt takes out the CAS, in most cases
> you haven't lost much.  With the belt, you've also lost your water pump,
> so you're coming down much sooner than planned anyway.
> I am thinking that most will use the dual belt setup for the WP and alternater like Tracy did on the 13B..  One of these could come apart and slap everthing silly until it completely let go.
> I would be interested in some sort of 'waste-spark' system that could
> run the trailing plugs.  A mechanical system, with...I don't
> know...maybe magnetos on the flywheel... timed to always fire a late
> spark, even if it is a very week spark.  That way, the EC2 would still
> control the leading plug, and only in case of electrical system failure
> would the late firing and inefficient mechanical backup come into play. 
> Fuel would be supplied with a single crude jet plumbed to the intake
> opening.  Power would be compromised, but there should be enough to
> maintain altitude.  When the electron pump gives up the ghost, this sort
> of system would reduce the battery load to a fuel pump, radios and panel
> lighting (plus a single EWP for me).
> --
>          ,|"|"|,                                    |
> ----===<{{(oQo)}}>===----        Dyke Delta         |
>         o|  d  |o  |
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