Mailing List Message #2113
From: Haywire <>
Subject: mufflers & stuff :-)
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 00:15:12 -0700
To: flyrotary <>
Hey, did you guys hear that?
Neither did I, 'cause it's soooo darn quiet! My own SpinTech appears to be
a success. It is quiet enough that my Neighbor and I could easily converse
in normal voice levels inside the cockpit during engine run-up. Which brings
up another point. C-FSTB has moved under her own power for the first time as
I taxied up & down my driveway! The electric water pump appears to be
working as well, but I don't yet have temp gauges installed. Right now I
monitor temp by reaching under the panel and squeezing the heater hose ----
kinda crude but it works. I just pulled the access cover off of my muffler
housing to inspect my SpinTech and it has no signs of distortion or stress
of any kind. It actually looks exactly as it did when I installed it.
Hopefully I will have it at the airport by next weekend and will try to get
a few proper gauges to more accurately monitor some temps while I work it
out a little more extensively.
Now I really need an EM-2 :-)

S. Todd Bartrim
Turbo 13B

         "Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe
in, Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass".

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