Mailing List Message #2110
From: Rino <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 21:43:44 -0300
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>

Ernest Christley wrote:
> Rino wrote:
> > going on. I run the engine every day about 5 minutes to check out the
> > systems.  The 2 alternators work fine and the pressures are OK.  No temp
> > gauges installed yet but it is comming.  The engine did not burp yet
> > because the cooling system is still full.  I have a vent (1/4" hose)from
> > the top of the rad to the thermostat housing (no thermostat) and one
> > vent from the top rear end of the engine to the thermostat housing --
> > seems to work fine.
> >
> Rino, are you worried about water building up in your oil like that?
> The Shell Oil guys giving the lecture at Sun'n'Fun were rather adamant
> that this is the way to lead an engine to an early grave, letting it run
> often for short periods.  Their advice was to let it run for at least 30
> minutes at least once a week in order to boil of any residual water from
> the combustion process.

With no fan I cannot run it much longer.  It is still inside the shop.
I cannot run the prop in there.
It gets hot enough before I shut it down.

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