Does your system stick up above the engine as high as the alternator?
===> Yep. See pics.
If it does, I might possibly
cut the manifold on top after the bend, where it is horizontal, have an
extension made and then weld the end back on that the throttlebody attaches
===> You sort of lost me with this description, but you'll see that there
isn't much horizontal section to work with. I can't figure out why the
intake is made at an angle, unless it was an attempt to clear the bottom of
the hood on an RX-7. I've assumed that these manifolds weren't made for
airplanes initially. It certainly does cause cowl problems in airplanes.
The reason for these possible changes are because I am now considering
the addition of a turbo
===> The evil seed is planted (maniacal laughter in the background) :-) I'm
using a stock series 5 turbo, from an 89-91 RX-7.