Mailing List Message #2101
From: Russell Duffy <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 10:32:16 -0500
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>
RE: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches

I only crossed two wires and it cost me months of agony and frustration.  The manufacturer of the EC2 has a rewired harness option that will be well worth the cost..what ever it is.  Of course you and I are wired alike..:-)...and "I'd rather do it myself, thank you!"


I took almost two days to wire all this stuff up, largely because I was being careful not to make mistakes.  Rest assured, I made a few, but I caught them.  I double and triple checked the wiring, so I think everything is in it’s place.  


From the looks of the EM-2, I’m betting that Tracy has a dedicated plug that will go to the display unit now, rather than pulling wires from one big plug.  That would certainly be the kinder and gentler way to do it.  There actually seems to be more plugs than I can imagine a need for, so he must be up to something :-)


I’ll be excited to fire up the engine, and I REALLY can’t wait to get it to the airport.  I’m still torn between wanting to run the engine extensively at home, vs. taking it to the airport and getting it all put together.  More than likely, I’ll just make sure everything works, and there are no serious leaks or other engine issues, then I’ll call the tow truck.  Moving to the airport for final assembly will buy some time for the EM-2 to become available. 





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