Mailing List Message #2098
From: Russell Duffy <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 09:56:17 -0500
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>
RE: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches

    I wouldn't worry too much about the temp gauge if all you want to do is start up.


    So go ahead and start the beast...  you know you want to  :-)


I considered starting it without the temp gauge, and I even gutted a stock temp sensor to be able to stick a thermocouple inside.  In reality, I probably couldn’t be ready to run until very late this afternoon, and I’d rather wait until I have more time in case something doesn’t work.  


Also, I ordered a proper sender for the oil that has the correct metric threads (16 x 1.5).  What I installed yesterday was a 1/8” NPT sender with an adapter.  The way it worked out, the nose of the sender barely makes it past the end of the adapter, and it’s moved back so far that it’s almost in a recess in the side of the pan.  I would like the nose of the sender to be out in the oil, not recessed.  I’m not sure how much difference it will make, but it will make me feel better.  Since, I’d have to drain the oil to install the new sender Wednesday, so I might as well just leave it empty for a few more days.  I think the suspense is worse for you than me :-)


I've got my entire exhaust system installed including my own SpinTech. I just finished installing an electronic constant speed governor for my prop, so tomorrow I think I'll roll her outside and fire it up. I'm real curious to hear how that muffler works.


I’ll listen for it tomorrow.  If I can hear it, you’ll need a better muffler  :-) 


BTW, I didn’t realize you were using the IVO prop.  I’ll be interested to hear how that works out.






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