Mailing List Message #2095
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2003 22:56:33 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
RE: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches
Sorry to hear about your woes, Rusty.
    But, does not sound untypical, always some small last minute detail rather than something big {:>). 
 Regarding wiring the EC2.  Recommend a very well lit work place,  Get one of those small "studio (small halogen bulb) lamps or something you can focus on your work area.  Get something to clamp the socket housing so you have free access from all directions (clamp from the bottom if possible).  Cut not more than approx 1/16" (less than 1/8")  insulation from the wire going to the pins.  Get one of those (if you don't already have one) 3 arm clamping/holding devices with alligator clips used for electronics or hobbies to help position the wire while you wield the solder and soldering iron.  Tie the wires so that the strain is off them when positioning them to the pin.    I also put a number tag on each end of the wire and then after I solder one end to the pin I check with a ohm meter that the other end of the wire (with the same tag number) shows continunity.  You can get a cold solder join that appears OK visually and I have caught some this way.  (you should try it with out any depth perception.  Trying to get a pin, the solder, the wire and the soldering iron to the same place in space without binocular depth perception can be frustrating to say the least {:>)).
I also use a marker to mark the pin numbers on the side of the connector shell (marking every other one works fine) as the marks stamped near the pins themselves, get sort of hard to read after a couple of hours.
So good luck, Rusty
Ed Anderson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 9:36 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: First run approaches

Well, it’s hurry up and wait time for the first engine run, so the neighbors are off the hook for this weekend. 


I opened the box with the temporary gauges and permanent senders today, and found that one of the senders wasn’t going to work out.  The temp sender hole on the water pump housing is 12 X 1.5, and VDO didn’t list a sender in that thread, for a 250 degree gauge.  I thought I had an adapter, so I just ordered the 1/8” NPT sender.  Next I found that I didn’t have the correct adapter after all, so I ordered the correct one.  In the box today was an adapter with the correct threads, but the nose of the temp sender won’t go through the hole in the adapter.  There isn’t room to drill it out either (ask me how I know this).  I ordered a 300 degree sender, which happens to come in the correct thread.  Sure hope I don’t get near the top of that range :-)


In other news, there are a hell of a lot of wires in the EC-2.   Since I’m starting to get to the point of needing reading glasses, what are the chances of having all the wires in the right place?  I guess I’ll find out eventually.  The latest senders should arrive Wednesday, so maybe I can get a run in toward the end of the week. 






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