Well, it’s hurry up and wait time for the first engine
run, so the neighbors are off the hook for this weekend.
I opened the box with the temporary gauges and permanent
senders today, and found that one of the senders wasn’t going to work
out. The temp sender hole on the water pump housing is 12 X 1.5, and VDO
didn’t list a sender in that thread, for a 250 degree gauge. I
thought I had an adapter, so I just ordered the 1/8” NPT sender.
Next I found that I didn’t have the correct adapter after all, so I
ordered the correct one. In the box today was an adapter with the correct
threads, but the nose of the temp sender won’t go through the hole in the
adapter. There isn’t room to drill it out either (ask me how I know
this). I ordered a 300 degree sender, which happens to come in the
correct thread. Sure hope I don’t get near the top of that range :-)
In other news, there are a hell of a lot of wires in the
EC-2. Since I’m starting to get to the point of needing
reading glasses, what are the chances of having all the wires in the right
place? I guess I’ll find out eventually. The latest senders should
arrive Wednesday, so maybe I can get a run in toward the end of the week.