I finally got around to adding a serial port to my engine monitor and just finished writing a little VB program for my iPaq PocketPC that captures the serial port input and writes it to a text file.
This morning (Friday) and made my first data logging flight. Attached is an Office 79 Excel spreadsheet with the result. (Expand a column to get the full wording of a column heading).
All temps in Celcius (F= C*9/5 + 32 if you want to convert). Pressures in psi except MAP in inHg.
Unfortunately the OAT sensor failed (not being displayed on the engine monitor, so I didn't catch it).
Those of you familiar with Excel might have fun making charts of the different columns.
For example the EGTs do not track very well. And I have a flaky Center carb fuel pressue sensor (or pump) - but I turn that off at safe altitude in order to use the center carb to lean out the mixture.
It would be nice to add altitude, air speed and throttle setting sensors.
I sure have something wierd going on in my airbox/carbs.
More to come (if anyone are interested).