Anyone catch the latest EM-2 update of availability? I
guess I’ll be hooking up some temporary gauges, or maybe using a cheap
EIS that can be moved to my next project (an Ison Airbike). Either
way, I’ll probably still have the EM-2 by the time I really get ready to
fly, and it will be well worth the wait.
Speaking of temporary gauges, the tach output of the AC-2 is
supposed to be 12 pulses per revolution. I’m assuming that’s
something that’s used only for the EIS, and not for normal tachs.
Do you just tap into a fuel injection, or ignition lead for normal tach
Turbo 13B powered RV-3 (experimental aircraft)...Be Afraid
1993 RX-7 R1... Not stock, carry bail money :-)