Mailing List Message #20071
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: The Verdit! c wasRe: [FlyRotary] No Joy on Sun & Fun{:<(
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 18:29:11 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Ok, Dave

Here goes

Engine has 150 hours on it since I rebuilt and ported it
I usually cruise around 5200  rpm (2.17 gear box) or 5600 rpm (2.85 gearbox)
this generally gives me a TAS of 170 MPH at 7.5 GPH
I get 6000 rpm static and have hit as high as 6800 rpm in flight (2.85).  I
estimate the engine power at around 180 HP based on fuel burn and aircraft
performance.  I compare my Rv-6A to the performance of a 180 HP Rv-6A also
with a fixed pitch prop, I easy surpass his ROC and appear to be a couple of
miles per hour faster.

Premix   1 oz per gallon of fuel.
Didn't measure the parts as they were new when installed.
Don't know what you want measured - give me some suggestions. There are over
a dozen different measurements that could be taken but without the starting
reference point they won't mean very much.

Best Regards


----- Original Message -----
From: "David Staten" <>
To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <>
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 9:50 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: The Verdit! c wasRe: [FlyRotary] No Joy on Sun &

> Ed..
>      I know that getting your baby BACK in the air will take priority...
> but can you enlighten us on some of your stats regarding this engine
> that went south on you..
> Total time in service in airframe (hrs)
> Your usual power setting and cruise speed, prop
> Any other visual or measured wear parameters you noted on the teardown.
> Premix or separate oil reservoir... and your mix ratio if you mix.
> IF you have your original measurements from the rebuild, any measurable
> wear since then..
> What I am wanting to do is use this as a data point on expected
> wear/reliability of the core engine/internals. Since the engine has to
> be disassembled ANYWAYS, this is a perfect opportunity to see what/how
> the rest of the engine looks like/measures up. At the same time,
> throwing the expected performance in the pre-event engine to get an idea
> what your engine was performing like.
> Dave
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