Mailing List Message #20054
From: Richard Sohn <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: SQ2000 flying again
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 09:47:56 -0700
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 5:53 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: SQ2000 flying again

Did you see Richard Sohn's trick for making a fiberglass tube at Shady Bend? Basically you overfill a section of an inner tube with sand. Once filled you can bend and shape it. Glass it. Remove the sand. Peel out the inner tube. Bingo. A perfectly smooth fiberglass duct of the correct dimensions and shape.  
Hi John,
I heard about that, or read it somewhere, but never got around to trying it.   Seems like it would need to be attached in place on the engine to make sure it was in the proper shape, but I don't have room to work around all the other stuff to try to glass it there. 
Now I could fill the hose with Sakrete and sand, then put some water in it before putting it in place.  Once hardened, you could take it away, and glass it on the bench.  Of course you'd have to put a couple layers on, then cut it apart to get it off the concrete tube, but you could easily put another layer on it go glue it back together.   
Maybe I'll just keep putting this off :-)
I have to clarify some thing on the fiberglass mold.
I made a plug out of styro foam and painted it with water base Latex until it was smooth. When it was dry I coated it with mold release(PVA) and than wrapped the fiberglass around. I am using mostly VE for the convenience vs Epoxy. So I have to be careful not to expose the foam to the resin. When it is cured, I heat the whole thing with a heat gun until the foam shrinks and takes the Latex with it. I is getting small and soft enough to just fall out of the FG with the inner surface as smooth as the plug was to begin with, and no mess with gas and melted foam.
Richard Sohn
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