Mailing List Message #15794
From: Jerry Hey <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Dynos II (was Re: changed to Octane)
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 15:45:00 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Dave here are the photos I have.  If I hit the limit I will send in separate messages.  First is article on building and  using a dyno.  The dyno described is not the same as the one in the photos but the info is transferable.     Jerry

Building a low cost dyno.
Revision 2

By Paul Lamar

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everybody developing an engine for use
in aircraft could afford a dyno. It would be a lot safer if people
tested their intended engine for horsepower and static thrust on the
ground instead of during the first flight.

HP needs no introduction. Static thrust is that amount of force we
get out of the engine, speed reduction unit (if you have one) and
prop combinations that causes the airplane to initially accelerate.
Acceleration is defined as a change in speed.  What we want is
maximum change in speed in the minimum amount of time so we can get
up to takeoff speed in the shortest distance.

Isacc Newton laid down the law for this sort of thing over a hundred
years ago. He said acceleration is proportional to force divided by
weight. Simple enough. More force more acceleration. It is not just
a good idea it is the LAW! If the force is divided by the weight in
pounds we get a measure of the acceleration in units called "G's".

One G is a change in speed of about 22 MPH in one second. If the
static thrust (force) equals the weight, our airplane will be going
22 MPH the first second and 44 MPH after two seconds. The average
speed for the first second is only sixteen feet per second so we
will have traveled down the runway only sixteen feet. At the end of
the next second our average speed is thirty two FPS plus sixty four
FPS divided by two seconds or forty eight feet FPS. We are now
ninety six feet down the runway and going 44 MPH. You see how
important static thrust can be. The more the static thrust the
better. One G is a wonderful acceleration. If only the average
airplane had thrust equal to it's weight. Unfortunately the real
world is not that wonderful or simple.

The thrust from the engine may increase or decrease as we travel
down the runway depending on several factors the most important of
which is prop pitch. If we have a fixed pitch prop and our pitch
chosen is so high that the engine cannot spin the prop at max HP RPM
while the airplane is stopped (typical for most fixed pitch prop
airplanes)  our thrust may increase as we accelerate down the runway
and as the RPM comes up to max HP. If we have a constant speed
propeller the thrust will will start out at the max possible and
gradually decrease as we accelerate along the runway. Never the less
the airplane will takeoff quicker with a constant speed propeller as
we are getting more average HP out of the engine.

HP is merely the product of torque and prop RPM. We can measure the
torque by mounting the engine and prop combination on something that
is free to rotate about the prop shaft axis. If we restrain this
rotation and measure the force on a lever arm we will know the
torque. If we allow the test stand to move forward and measure the
force to restrain that motion we will know the static thrust.

You can build a low cost dyno from a junked car rear axle, bathroom
scale, ground adjustable prop and garage door spring to check HP and
static thrust. Make a two by four and three quarter inch plywood
frame about four feet high to hold the rear axle. Bolt the frame
together with 3/8 carriage bolts and three inch drywall screws.
Fabricate a two by four reinforced plywood firewall and bolt it to
an old steel wheel. The wheel provides stiffness and a means to
attach the firewall/wheel assembly to the axle. Take out the pinon
gear and one axle shaft to reduce friction and leave in the
differential spool for it's inner axle bearings.

Mount the engine with the motor mount you intend to use in the
airplane to the firewall. Install the cowling to minimize the slip
stream drag and improve the accuracy of the static thrust
measurement. Mount the axle about four feet off the ground with a
wide base two by four wood frame work. Streamline the frame work
with styrofoam or thin sheet metal. Mount some cheap wheels or
casters on the frame work to allow fore and aft motion. The axle
allows the firewall to rotate about the prop axis. Stop the rotation
with a two by four lever arm. Attach a streamlined two by two
compression strut to the end of the lever arm and rest it on the
bathroom scale. Make sure the strut is on the left side when the
prop is rotating clockwise from the pilots perspective. Attach the
base of the bathroom scale to the 3/4 inch plywood shelf. Attach a
block of wood on the top of the scale to prevent the compression
strut from blowing off the scale. Best have some positive means of
limiting axle rotation to plus and minus twenty degrees in case
something goes wrong.  Attach the garage door spring to the opposite
end of the axle and to a large tree or other suitable anchor. Use
some sand bags to weigh down the whole rig to keep it from rolling
over when blipping the throttle.

Calibrate the torque system with a large torque wrench. With a two
foot lever arm double the scale reading to get foot pounds of
torque.  Calibrate the garage door spring using water as
calibration weight. See my article on this subject in the Feb. 98

Mount the engine and PSRU with an adjustable pitch prop. Balance the
rig about the axle shaft so the engine does not rotate on it's own
and zero is showing on the bathroom scale. Run the engine up to max
RPM allowed by the pitch chosen. You now know the torque and prop
RPM so the HP can be calculated. Stop the engine and  lower the
pitch until the engine will run at max HP RPM. Usually around 5000
RPM for a geared engine and around 2500 RPM for an aircraft engine.
You now know the max HP. Repeat this process for any RPM of
interest. Check the garage door spring for length and compare that
to it's calibration numbers. You now know the approximate static
thrust. The installed static thrust may be slightly more due to the
better streamlining of the complete airplane.

If you are using a ground adjustable fixed pitch prop you may
optimize it for the takeoff/cruise compromise by choosing a pitch
that causes the engine to run several hundred RPM below peak power
and twenty or thirty pounds below peak thrust. The engine will then
rev up during takeoff. Hopefully to peak power for climb.

Make a fuel consumption gage out of a long piece of clear plastic
hose mounted vertically. Measure how much fuel the hose will hold
between marks using a chemistry lab calibrated beaker. Time the fuel
consumption with a stop watch. Use an electric pump and an on/off
switch to fill the hose again to repeat the fuel consumption test.
Don't forget to correct for the temp. of the fuel. You now know the
gallons per hour and the BSFC can be calculated from that
information and the HP. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption or BFSC is a
measure of the efficiency of the engine. It is in units of pounds of
fuel burned for each HP for one hour. A good number for an aircraft
engine is .42 pounds per HP hour. Some car engines are about .45 to .
55.  Hook up a manifold pressure gage and record that as a function
of HP. Knowing  manifold pressure is very important to be sure your
engine is developing the maximum possible HP at any RPM.

I highly recommend bulding this dyno as it is better to find out on
the ground what your engine prop combination is capable of rather
than during the first flight.


 PROP |--------------- TORQUE in Lb/Ft --------->
 RPM  100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
 1000  19  23  27  30  34  38  42  46  49  53  57  61  65  69  72  76 80
 1100  21  25  29  33  38  42  46  50  54  59  63  67  71  75  80  84 88
 1200  23  27  32  37  41  46  50  55  59  64  69  73  78  82  87  91 96
 1300  25  30  35  40  45  49  54  59  64  69  74  79  84  89  94  99 104
 1400  27  32  37  43  48  53  59  64  69  75  80  85  91  96 101 107 112
 1500  29  34  40  46  51  57  63  69  74  80  86  91  97 103 108 114 120
 1600  30  37  43  49  55  61  67  73  79  85  91  97 104 110 116 122 128
 1700  32  39  45  52  58  65  71  78  84  91  97 104 110 116 123 129 136
 1800  34  41  48  55  62  69  75  82  89  96 103 110 116 123 130 137 144
 1900  36  43  51  58  65  72  80  87  94 101 108 116 123 130 137 145 152
 2000  38  46  53  61  69  76  84  91  99 107 114 122 129 137 145 152 160
 2100  40  48  56  64  72  80  88  96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168
 2200  42  50  59  67  75  84  92 100 109 117 126 134 142 151 159 167 176
 2300  44  53  61  70  79  88  96 105 114 123 131 140 149 158 166 175 184
 2400  46  55  64  73  82  91 100 110 119 128 137 146 155 164 174 183 192
 2500  48  57  67  76  86  95 105 114 124 133 143 152 162 171 181 190 200
 2600  49  59  69  79  89  99 109 119 129 139 148 158 168 178 188 198 208
 2700  51  62  72  82  92 103 113 123 134 144 154 164 175 185 195 206 216
 2800  53  64  75  85  96 107 117 128 139 149 160 171 181 192 202 213 224
 2900  55  66  77  88  99 110 121 132 143 155 166 177 188 199 210 221 232
 3000  57  69  80  91 103 114 126 137 148 160 171 183 194 206 217 228 240


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