Yep, Tracy listened to them click and they all sounded good when
he was here 2 weeks ago. I have pulled them and currently thinking of ways to
test them off the airplane at the minute. They are 195500-1350's and if you do
have some that I could try, would appreciate you mailing them to me. I'll be
happy to reimburse you the mailing cost!
I'm sure Tracy also
checked the impedance? Were they high or low (with external
resistors)? The number you have came in two flavors, one was red, low
impedance and came in the 86-87 NA engines. The other was
purple, high impedance, and came in 88 NA engines. I believe I
have two of the 88 high impedance version at the hanger. If that's what
you have, I'll sent them your way, though it will probably be Monday before
I can mail them.
Mazda RX-7(Gen 1 and 2) Fuel injector
identification guide
Year | type | impedance | plug style |
plug notch position | flow rating | color | part number
84-85 | 13B NT | low | square |
center | 680cc | orange | 195500-0900 86-87 | 13B NT | low |
square | center | 460cc | red |
195500-1350 86-87 | 13B T | low | square | center |
550cc | tan |
195500-1370 88 | 13B NT | high | square |
offset | 460cc | purple |
195500-1350 88 | 13b T
| high | square | offset | 550cc | purple | 195500-1370 89-91 |
13B NT | high | oval | center | 460cc |
red | 195500-2010 89-91 | 13B
T | high | oval | center | 550cc
| purple | 195500-2020