Don't want Rusty speaking either, he'd probably recommend
Lycoming over the rotary :)
Well I DID just attempt
to talk someone into a Lycoming yesterday, but his other choice was a
Subaru. Is it OK to talk someone out of a Subaru :-)
Seriously, there's been
a lot of progress in alternative engines in the last few years, largely due to
the efforts of folks like Tracy, and Fred who make the products we
need. I'd be willing to bet that you could plot the number of folks that
are using a rotary engine on a graph, and see a distinctive upward slope that
occurred at the time Tracy started selling products. I for one, would not
have taken the plunge if Tracy's products didn't exist. When Fred started
making mounts, that was a real bonus as well. The next big step will be a
FWF kit. When someone starts selling a high quality FWF kit, at a
reasonable savings over a new Lycoming, rotary engine usage will
skyrocket. Until that time, a rotary engine just isn't the best choice for
the average builder. Sad but true.
Rusty (maybe John can speak about
destruction testing Tracy's electronics)