Mailing List Message #12909
From: John Slade <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: Connectors for Sensors
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 18:28:34 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Who woulda thunk!  OK if you guys think so. I was sure there was some whiz bang specialized clip on terminal that took a  
special (read $50) tool to crimp to the wires and then a different special (read $$) to get it off again.  
Nope. I was confused too, so I called Tracy. Consider it to be from the "horse's mouth" :)



Joe Hull

Bellevue (Seattle), Washington

Cozy MkIV #991 (working on Engine & Electrical & Finishing)



That got me too, Joe.

They use the regular 1/4 inch faston teminals pushed on sideways.

It looks weird, but apparently that's what to use.





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