Rusty I don't see, how more
cooling flow at low rpm will cool better, there is still no change in
It's pretty well established that more flow equals
better cooling. I'm not qualified to explain it, but plenty of people
here are, and you can probably find ton's of info in the
no cavitation at high rpm: use underdrive
And make the low rpm overheating
and maintain the belts in correct
alignmentand tension and you will never loose one..........:)
I'd be more or less willing to agree with this.
If I had a factory set of pulleys, accessory mounts, and adjustment arms, I
wouldn't be as worried. Unfortunately, many of us are forced to make
our own accessory mounts. I've even had to use a pulley that needed
to be modified to fit the shaft on my alternator. The chances of a
failure with these added variables is far more likely than stock, and as I
mentioned, broken or thrown belts have stranded me on two occasions,
both in factory applications.
(I have abour 5000 hrs flying time in
front of belts double-v-typ as the only means of powertransfer from the engine
to the rotor....)
How much do you think Robinson spent developing
that v-belt drive? It had better work
Rusty (I hate belts, and they hate