>>>>The leak, pretty brisk, is coming from the oil cooler itself near
one of its mounting points. I combination of vibration and dynamic
pressure probably caused a split of the cooler near its mount, though I
still can't see exactly where it is coming from. The oil cooler is a
Setrab. They come highly recommended as being tough. Again, it was
probably a design issue for placing too much stress on the mounting
All Mazda oil coolers and radiators (and probably every other make)
mount them in cushioned rubber or synthetic pads. Here is a picture of
an FD cooler's pads/arms stock condition. These are the smaller coolers.
The large FC coolers also had a rectangular rubber isolator at each end.
I recommend you use the factory mounts if you can get them with the
coolers, all of them, or something very similar that fits. The ones on
the car should be sufficient as they are designed to take momentary
shock impact as well as vibration.
Marc Wiese