That's the way I thought it
worked, but maybe my memory is faulty, it's been
over a year since I did that mod. I think
it will still flow some oil even
in the "full off" throttle position on the metering pump.
Since I also add
two-stroke to the oil, it isn't really an issue for me, but if
someone is
depending on the oil injection system only, they should definitely
verify it
My stuff is mostly vintage 1986.
Hmmm... this is all very interesting and has
possibly shed some light on issues that I've had. In the beginning I had made
a linkage for my throttle to oil injection lever that operated from 1/4 open
to 3/4 open (or so I thought) but I seemed to use more oil than expected. I
began to add premix to the fuel while I experimented with the linkage to
reduce the flow finally removing the linkage entirely. I thought that it was
now at minimum flow, but I still only had 3-4 hours flight time before the low
oil level light would begin to flicker. Since I have up to ~12 hours of fuel
capacity, this wasn't really ideal.
I've just removed the entire oil injection
system in order to check oil consumption as I'm suspecting that I may be
burning some oil in my turbo. But it could be that I was simply increasing my
oil flow rather than decreasing it. As soon as this kid shows up, (or soon
after) I'll get out for a long flight again to check this, but in the meantime
I'll closely inspect the metering pump tonight after work.
Thanks Kelly for pushing this issue, as you
may have made me aware of a possible issue...
S. Todd Bartrim
Turbo 13B
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"